
Edwards on Bill Maher, More Blogging Stuff

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Copyright, David Tuman (fair use)
John Edwards was on Bill Maher's show (no, not that Bill Maher) to talk about his candidacy for President, and his vote to authorize the Iraq war. I was personally disappointed with the Senate when he did this, especially since he was supposedly representing my state in the Senate. I felt that ultimately he was representing his own fears, not me, but Edwards has more than made up for it by admitting that his vote was just plain wrong. Via newsbusters.org,

“I was wrong” means – I’m only speaking for me – means that I take responsibility for making a serious mistake on a vote that was probably the most important vote I cast in the United States Senate. I think we desperately need leaders in this country who will admit when they were wrong. We’re all human. All of us make mistakes. Admit when we’re wrong, change course, take responsibility for being wrong. I don’t think you can have the foundation for leadership, the moral foundation for leadership, if you don’t start by telling the truth. And, at least for me, this is the truth.

Yeah, I edited that a little from what you'll find on Newsbusters, because when you transcribe stuff like this, you don't write in pauses or non-words for crying out loud. "uh" is not a word, k? Also, I have a bone to pick here, because I've never heard of Newsbusters before, and their title banner says "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias." Excuse me for a moment while I throw up on your shoes.

There, I feel better now. The news today is overwhelmingly conservative and has been pretty much since September 11th when it became cool to look like a patriot without actually being one. Waving a flag in a crowd, and hanging one from your porch is one thing, but waving it over your little news logo while reporting on a war that your country is involved in isn't patriotic, it's a violation of journalistic integrity that makes you a bitch to the cause.

Being a patriot simply means loving your country, it's not something to be used to place yourself morally above other people, and it's not possible to be a bigger patriot than someone else is. If you want to tackle bias, then have fun getting the entirety of Faux News Channel taken off the air, and do it right now. Until then, bugger off I say.

You can get video of some of that appearance over here.

A quickie from a local news affiliate in Virginia an another endorsement picked up by John Edwards,

The chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party has endorsed former North Carolina senator John Edwards for president. Former state legislator Dick Cranwell has announced his support for Edwards two days after officials with close ties to Governor Tim Kaine said the governor will back Democrat Barack Obama for president.

Good for Obama, but bad for the country. I feel like Obama let the celebrity go to his head instead of letting his head lead him to the correct conclusion that the best leaders are inevitably ones that never wanted to be leaders in the first place. If you want it, then you're probably the worst person in the world to have power. You know, kind of like President Bush.

Here is some wingnut stuff about "that blogging thing" that needs addressing,

Of course, John Edwards should have removed the bloggers for their profane, vehement and vitriolic anti-Catholic bigotry, because to do otherwise is to assent to a disturbing bias against more than 60 million Catholic citizens in our country, where he aspires to serve as president. The historian Will Durant observed that no nation in history has survived without a strong moral code informed by religion.

I'm always a little amused when I see statements such as this, because it's barely short of saying that all morals descend from religion and that without religion, there are no morals at all. Only religious fundamentalists (Christian and Islamic extremists) really believe this as far as I know, because it's just a silly statement on its face. Religion at best isn't but about 5000 years old while moral sensibilities can be traced back along the lines of human evolution for tens of thousands of years.

The only person who was deeply upset about what Marcotte and McEwan wrote was Donohue, a self-professed bigot and hate monger in a league all by himself. The rest was just a rally cry for the right to get upset about nothing instead of having to talk about real issues that effect all Americans like health care and the Iraq war. The right will do anything to avoid talking about the tough issues that require sacrifices and real effort to resolve. Also, I don't think those 60,000,000 Catholics would appreciate such a narrow minded person speaking for them. I have seen a number of Catholics that wrote letters of support to Marcotte ane McEwan that had no problem with them being free to speak their minds, and realized that people can separate their personal views from their professional jobs. People do it all the time.

There is plenty more of this hypocritical crap going on, but it just doesn't deserve a link nor the attention of anyone with a brain. If you want to read these liars, just turn on Rush for a while. Or stick your head in the same. Same effect.

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