
Edwards Against Free Trade with South Korea

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John Edwards released a statement urging President Bush not to sign a free trade agreement with South Korea. From the official campaign blog.

Thousands of American autoworkers learned this week that they will lose their jobs because of ill-conceived and poorly enforced trade agreements - and what is the Bush Administration doing? It's working overtime to sign a trade agreement with a country that refuses to open its market to American cars.

Enough is enough. President Bush should shut down all trade negotiations with South Korea until they prove their willingness to open their market to American automobiles and other U.S. products and agree to trade fairly.

The huge loss of jobs announced this week by DaimlerChrysler should be a wake-up call for this president: one-sided trade agreements hurt working families.

There is a little more, so head on over if you'd like to read the rest of Edwards' statement.

As I expected, news if running a little light today. In fact there isn't any news, just blog hits. bivingsreport.com hits on the social networking presence of the Edwards campaign, which seems to be the hot thing this cycle, but I'm not buying into it. Some people may find it impressive that Barak Obama garnered over 1,000,000 "friends" or whatever on facebook.com, but the real question that we should be asking right now is do any of those people leave their house on a regular basis, much less vote?

It's a heck of a lot easier to start a grass-roots fanclub online than it is getting those people to get off their lazy rears on a cold rainy day. I'd be supremely impressed if even ten of them went out to campaign for their "friend" in a year. Heck, I'd be surprised if any of them are still logging into facebook or MySpace a year from now. From what I understand, most people sign up once and never come back to these sites.

Yours truly showed up in todays Google Alert for Edwards news in the blog section, which is good in that it means content from this blog is showing up in Google blog search now. It's bad in that there were only 5 things on the list today, and yesterdays post on the campaigns presence in Second Life was one of them. Okay then, we move on...

More Second Life reporting over here from a site apparently dedicated to the game/simulator/whatever, a blog roundup on the official campaign blog which totally ignores me, and finally an NRO writer talks up Amanda Marcotte's essay on why she got fired that was posted on salon.com. It's not a bad piece really, there is some common sense in there. Worth a read if you've got the time.

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