Edwards Campaign Gets a Second Life
Friday, February 16, 2007 - reddit
This seems to be the theme of the current news swirling around the John Edwards campaign in the past twenty-four hours. Sure, there are still a couple of mumblings about the manufactured blogger controversy, but that's all but now that both Marcotte and McEwen have resigned. I'm not sure that's really what the people on the right wanted though. They are both unleashed again to spew all the anti-Catholic stuff they want and are no longer constrained by representing a Presidential campaign.
So first a bit of background on this thing called Second Life" from the always-right-but-sometimes-wrong Wikipedia.
Second Life (abbreviated to SL) is an Internet-based virtual world which came to international attention via mainstream news media in late 2006 and early 2007. Developed by Linden Lab, a downloadable client program enables users to interact with each other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service combined with general aspects of a metaverse. If this is the thing I remember it to be, then it's a virtual world simulator of sorts that takes all of the fun aspects out of MMORPG games and leaves you with essentially a second virtual world to live in. The client used to be written in flash if I remember correctly, and the world itself features some of the most primitive and horrible graphics I've seen since before Doom hit the streets.
Apparently, the Edwards campaign setup a shop/office/building/presence of some sort within Second Life, and so I guess that's worth talking about when the first primaries are over a year away still.
Here is a blurb from a Mass. blog, short but sweet, my favorite kind. ZDNet probably has the best coverage of the deal, but webpronews.com has a bit as well. From ZDNet,
I started by asking what relationship, if any, he had with the official Edwards campaign. Rote explained that while he was doing this as a volunteer, he's in regular contact with Edwards' team and has their full support:
"… think of this as a scouting mission… it is unofficial in that the campaign is not spending money, and I am not paid, however the campaign is aware that we are organizing in Second Life, and cooperating as much as they can. I keep them updated on what I have learned, and they let me know things that will be helpful."
Rote says he expects his efforts to be incorporated into the official campaign within a month. I just don't get Second Life. The graphics look 15 years old, it's not a game, and you still have to pay to use it. Where is the entertainment value?
tags: John Edwards, Second Life, 2008 Elections
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