
John Edwards in NY for MLK holiday

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John Edwards is going to be in New York to honor Martin Luther King, according to the New York Daily News.

Edwards backs Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy's bill to block an escalation of the war, and his Harlem speech will mark the 40th anniversary of MLK's anti-Vietnam war speech.

It is going to be very hard for Hillary to win against anti-war candidates. The country wasn't as anti-war now as it was in 2004 and we all saw how powerful the anti-war message can be in what Governor Dean accomplished. Dean went from nobody to leading the pack because he had the guts to say what he believed, while Hillary doesn't. That really is the biggest knock against Senator Clinton, if there is one admirable quality she hasn't inherited from former President Clinton, it's balls and honesty. It's hard to believe that she isn't against the war as the rest of us Dems are, but she doesn't have the guts to come out and say it; to condemn Bush for this unnecessary war and the new McCain Doctrine.

I think the anti-war stance is what will win the day for the Democratic nominee, but we'll have to wait and see. There is a chance that Bush could begin pulling troops out of Iraq sometime in the middle of next year, for no other reason than to deflate Democrats who plan to campaign on the issue. Bush is a lunatic that will do anything -- even sacrifice American lives -- just to push people around.

Here is an old video from when John Edwards was on the Hardball college tour.

And finally I have a couple of quotes here, one from the Charlotte Observer on the McCain Doctrine; "The failed Iraq policy lies squarely on the shoulders of the people who make that policy -- the president and his Cabinet -- and Sens. McCain and Graham know that," Edwards said. "Sen. McCain should ask Sen. Graham to apologize to the men and women of our armed forces."

Replied Graham spokesman Kevin Bishop: "If John Edwards is trying to win a nomination, Lindsey Graham is trying to win a war."

Another Edwards quote I found here serves as the best retort: "It's time for America to be patriotic about something other than war."

Senator Edwards and the rest of the nation are trying to get us out of an unwinnable and unnecessary war, Lindsey, only fools such as yourself are still trying to win the game after it's over. Let it go man, we screwed up. All that is left now is to bring our troops home.

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