
Edwards on Same-Sex Civil Rights

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A man in a committed relationship with another man stood up and asked a question of Senator Edwards at the New Hampshire town hall meeting from a few days ago. Pandagon.net/Pam Spaulding posted a note from one of their readers about what happened.

Edwards indicated that this issue was the “single hardest social issue” for him and that he had engaged in a lot of “personal struggles” over this issue. He believes that same-sex partners in committed relationships should have civil rights and should be afforded the dignity and respect to which they are entitled. He struggled with the question of “how we achieve this? Whether it is through civil unions or partnerships.” He indicated that he is certainly for all of the non-discrimination and equal benefits provisions.

However, he said that it was a “jump for me to get to gay marriage? I am not there yet.”

Senator Edwards needs to get there, or be left behind I'm afraid. The younger you delve into the generational gaps the more you're going to find people demanding equal rights for everyone, and it saddens me that we still aren't there yet. You'd have thought that this separate-but-equal nonsense had run its course with the African American civil rights era, but now we're getting the same load of bull in civil unions and finding that certain people still just don't get it. You don't have the right to regulate other peoples lives in such a way that they become a separate class of citizen. The constitution doesn't allow it, your conscience shouldn't allow it, and the upcoming generations won't tolerate it.

I'm past the point of applauding these types of responses as steps in the right direction. You're either doing the right thing, or you aren't, it's that simple.

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