
Shame On Edwards For Being Wealthy, says Arkansas Republican Assembly

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Found this personal attack on Senator Edwards, care of Arkansas Republican Assembly.

John Edwards tried to cozy up to America's poor by announcing (his presidential candidacy Thursday in the Lower Ninth Ward of Hurricane Katrina-ravaged New Orleans. It's doubtful that any on hand live in splendor comparable to the $3.1 million mansion the former senator and vice presidential candidate is building in North Carolina. Edwards, worth upwards of $30 million thanks to a career as a personal injury lawyer, is building the home on a 100-acre estate outside Chapel Hill, the New York Post reported. The 10,700-square-foot mansion boasts 10 rooms, 6 1/2 baths, two garages, and verandas with sweeping views of the surrounding countryside.

I'm not sure how promising to help the poor people in this country -- ones Republicans love to pretend don't exist -- or bringing their plight into the public eye is ever a bad thing, but leave it to people like this to call it out like it is. I also find the implication that being wealthy means you can't care about a particular subject hilarious. Does ARA really believe that you have to be poor to have a legitimate interest in bringing others out of poverty? I find the notion laughable. During the GOP's 12-year-reign in the House of Representatives, the only act of charity we got from them were gifts to the richest 10% of the nation in the form of tax cuts. These people should be ashamed.

In the 2004 campaign, Edwards often spoke of "Two Americas," one wealthy and privileged and the other struggling to survive. There's no doubt which America Edwards belongs to.

And there's no doubt what matters most to ARA: personal attacks against people who are actually interested in helping the poor rather than ignoring them in favor of tax cuts for the rich. The days of patting yourself on the back and giving out freebies to the people who need them least are over, America has put responsible adults back in charge for a while and conservatives need to get used to it.

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