
Edwards Launches 08 Bid

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Am I fashionably late? Probably not, but I'm here dug in and ready to fight through the crud to bring you the information you need. Or maybe it's just the information you want. Or maybe I'm talking to myself because this site didn't exist 24 hours ago and nobody knows it exists. Either way, I might as well start off with some hot links to those so-called professional outlets that covered the event, yet managed to tell us pretty much nothing we didn't already know to begin with. Thanks MSM!

The unusual nature of announcing a Presidential bid in place such as New Orleans was not lost on Times writers Adam Nossiter and David Stout.

The 'formal' announcement of his candidacy today was, by design, anything but formal. Mr. Edwards wore work boots, blue jeans and a thick blue shirt against the chill. His announcement contrasted sharply with more traditional launchings of White House bids, which have often been made in the United States Capitol. Asked on Wednesday whether he thought enough was being done to help New Orleans recover from the crippling hurricane and floods of 2005, he replied, "Anybody who's not concerned about the rate of recovery is not paying attention." (Times)

New Orleans is still a complete mess. They can't take any more hits from hurricanes without flooding all over again. "Parts of the city most severely damaged still have irregular city services; in some areas, next to nothing has been done in the way of rebuilding. As residents return to the devastated areas, attempts are being made to restore city services; however, there are still well over 200,000 New Orleanians who are unable to return." (Wiki)

I'm not up-to-date on what Edwards has been doing in New Orleans, but I'll get on top that and see what information I can find. I know he's been there for more than just this announcement, and he's proven that New Orleans is still a very serious concern to him, and the cities residents would surely appreciate someone in government that understands that they still need help. Here's an NPR interview from back in March about the work Edwards was doing in New Orleans at the time.

Here is a link to AMERICAblog's post which is really just a quotation from the Times page above, but they get a ton of comments so there might be something worth reading over there. DailyKos is playing it cool since it's been pretty obvious for a while now that Edwards was going to take another shot at this. I'm not sure I like the idea of them using Edwards announcement to take a quick shot at the Iraq war, but it's worth looking at because it also happens to be true.

I found a neat link over at Kos with a blog post by John Edwards himself.

Hello. I'm in New Orleans, and getting ready to head to Iowa for our live town hall this evening.

I wanted to stop by to talk about my announcement this morning and to hear your thoughts and reactions.

Also I wanted to invite you to attend the Iowa townhall online tonight -- go to JohnEdwards.com for more info on that.

I've got til about 11:45. John

Not much there but the town hall should be pretty cool, the information he referenced is right here, and the doors opened four hours ago. There are a series of these events scheduled over the next few days in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and North Carolina. Hit the campaign website and look on the right side under "upcoming events". There are some pictures before things got rolling on BlueNC that you might want to check out. More info as I find it.

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