
Edwards in New Orleans, Poised to Make Announcment

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It can hardly be considered a secret that former Senator John Edwards is going to announce today that he is going to take another shot at running for President, starting now. The truth is though that Edwards isn't starting now, he actually got moving right after he and running mate John Kerry lost out to the lowest polling President in the modern era, George W. Bush.

Edwards has been setting things up with multiple visits to Iowa and New Hampshire over the years, along with trips outside the United States in aid and humanitarian projects. The title photo on this blog has a story to go with it I'm sure, but it's not one I have any knowledge of. It was a photo I found on flickr that was licensed under the Creative Commons "attribution" license, which allows for free use -- even commercial -- so long as proper attribution is given. Consider it so, the link above will take you to the page where I got the picture from.

Perhaps I will fire off an e-mail to the photographer this week and see if he'll share the pictures story. It'd be nice to know, don't you think?

I voted for Kerry and Edwards in the previous election, though they were not my first choice. Because of the silly way we have our primary system setup, the only two people still on the ballot when North Carolina's turn came were Kerry and Edwards. Since they came together in common cause when it was clear that Edwards wasn't going to win, I never even bothered to vote in the primary.

I wasn't happy back then, because of what had happened to my guy, Howard Dean. In the end though I'm proud of what the Governor did. Rather than stewing about his poor showing, he created a new organization to support the party and move us all forward in Congress, eventually coming to chair the DNC and help lead the Democratic party to a new majority in Congress.

Though he wasn't my first choice, and for all I know may not be again this time around, for the time being John Edwards will have my support. Even if I decide to support somebody else when the elections near, that will be with my vote, and not this blog.

I'd like to provide information on the former Senator that will help people decide if he is the right person to lead this country after Bush has left under a cloud of shame and defeat. I'll report the news, find information the average joe might not have time to find, and maybe I'll even harass his campaign to see if I can score some free buttons that I can use to fling at Republicans.

This place is new, and empty, but it won't be that way for long. If Edward's announcement is coming later today like I've heard that it is, then like Edwards, maybe I too can find the best place to serve -- right here.

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