
Spineless Republicans Refuse to Debate Iraq

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Republicans filibuster debate on Iraq
resolution, 56-34.
Republicans in the Senate have blocked the resolution supporting our troops from even being debated by a 56-34 vote. (60 were required, because the *Republic party is filibustering.) We're not talking about voting on passage of the resolution, these cowards won't even open debate on the resolution. This is what happens when you elect people that have no spines and or integrity. Blood thirsty conservative Republicans got us into an unnecessary war with Iraq and now that it is inarguable that it was wrong, and that it has become unwinnable, they don't have the courage to even debate the issue with their peers.

I have often called the *Republic party the party of zero accountability, because no matter what they do wrong, nobody has to answer for it. This is a perfect example of why Republicans were stripped of power in the Congress last November, and this should be a plenty good enough reason to finish the job and strip them of power in the White House two years from now. They have gotten 3,100 soldiers killed for no good reason, plan to send another 21,000 into the fire, and they can't even suck it up long enough to debate the surge which also supports our troops. I guess they don't want to support our troops after all, I mean, they are filibustering debate on a resolution that expresses our support for them. Nice.

I would like to say that there were seven Republicans that did vote to proceed to debate, and to them I would say you have my respect. You did the right thing, but your party has dishonored themselves and their country today. The American people will not forget this.

*Almost all Republicans in the House referred to the Democratic party as the Democrat party during their speeches this past week. Either they were being purposefully disrespectful and immature, or they are just plain old illiterate. Either way, I'm more than willing to give it right back.

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