
Edwards Leading Iowa Poll

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First of all, national polling this far out doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot. Forget the embarrassing moments on TV that can take a campaign that was dominating everything in sight to a bow out in about 24 hours, we're simply talking about how sentiment can change over the course of god knows how many moneys until the first primaries.

Still, if any polls out there matter, it's still (like it or not) Iowa and New Hampshire. Other states (tons) have moved their primary dates up (good) but these states still get the first crack. A win in any other early states can take a national candidate running third to the front in a hurry, and can likewise destroy a front runner that has a poor early showing.

So where is John Edwards in Iowa's most recent poll? Leading the pack of course. He's also a regular winner of the DKos straw polls as well, which means he's got staying power with both early voters in IA and NH, and the netroots base.

Presidential candidate John Edwards leads rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in a new Des Moines Register poll of Iowans likely to take part in the Democratic caucuses.

The Iowa Poll shows Edwards, a former U.S. senator from North Carolina, is the first choice of 29 percent of those who say they definitely or probably will attend the January caucuses, which kick off the nominating process for the nation.

Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois, edges out Clinton for second place in the poll — 23 percent to 21 percent.

Former Governor Mitt Romney is leading the Republican field by an ever larger margin, 30% to second place Senator John McCain's 18%. Poor Ron Paul, probably the best guy in the entire field all around doesn't even register.

It'll be interesting to see how long Edwards can keep his lead, since I'm pretty sure he's had it ever since he announced his candidacy. He spent a lot of time in Iowa after the 2004 loss building this thing, it's no surprise it's paying dividends already.

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